On Mon, 2007-05-14 at 12:04 -0400, darsha hewitt wrote:
Hi guys,
Anyone here ever teach pd or other FOSS programmes remotely?
i know a teacher from the 'royal welsh college of music and drama' [1], who is sometimes using netpd in order to have lessons with his students remotely (some of his students have been guest students in wales and are at home now). if you are interested, i might give you the contact (after his agreement).
the main goal of netpd, when using it as a remote teaching tool, is that you can easily share patches. you cannot edit patches synchronously on different computers, but if someone made some changes to it, she/he just needs to change the version tag and then, after a reload, it gets uploaded to everyone's else computer again.
there is no audio streaming functionality implemented yet in netpd. but you can either chat using _chat.pd, that comes with netpd, or, if that is too awkward, there is also irc.
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