Hi Mathieu,
There are three ways to get sample-accurate events :
carry the event as part of a signal at the same rate as the audio. between apps, this could mean, for example, that you'd use an extra channel in jack for those events.
carry the event as a message, then as the last step, convert it to a (sample-rate) signal for objects that can use that (for example, use a [vline~] plugged into [*~]'s right inlet)
with objects (or aspects of objects) that just don't support sample-rate changes, you can use [block~ 1] if you can't find any sample-rate equivalent.
about functionality of Jack if it does something I can't do in Win). 3. I tried as I already mentioned but there must be an error in my structure because the log window talks a lot of errors each time I try to change the block~ size...
Could you show me working examples finding and processing sample accurate timed events? How do you use sequencers? What about fast retriggering percussives or delay like effects - isn't the jitter bothering you?
I made abstractions [lop2~] and [hip2~] as signal-rate versions of [lop~] and [hip~].
Your abstractions doesn't seem to be part of 0.42.5-extended? I couldn't find ithttp://www.google.de/#sclient=psy&hl=de&q=%22lop2~%22%20(pd%20OR%20puredata)&aq=&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=9518358c6ae80f89&pf=p&pdl=3000with google search either... Where can I find it? And what method (1.,2. or 3.) did you use?
- my patch only accepts 64 - why?
If you use FFT, your patch has to know the block size, as a [fft~]-[ifft~] pair is like [*~] by the block size.
no FFT yet
- why does the $0-audioscope show extreme high amplitude when block~ size
is <64 ?
Does it double amplitude when you halve the block size, or does it double amplitude when you quadruple the block size, or some other pattern ? (which ?)
it shots out of screen limit, the scroll bar appears and is very small... so the value must very high. Look at it I attached it (you need to touch some controls of the audioscope in order to update correctly - I have a bug there).
Does it do the opposite thing when you use bigger block sizes ?
I correct myself: it is ok in block~size 64 only, at any other size also higher sizes it shows the same giant burst.
- makes it sense at all changing block~ size in order to get better
message timing? Or what is it for...
It's for several things :
- decrease to get more resolution
- increase to get more efficiency (of cpu)
- change to control the [fft~] window size (which is not controllable by its own parameters, unlike [fiddle~]'s window size
- when converting between different sampling rates, change proportionally to sample rate, to avoid having to split/merge blocks (this rarely matters at all)
i see. (well.. 4. I will understand one day I'm convinced ;)
thank you! cheers Dietrich
| Mathieu Bouchard ---- tél: +1.514.383.3801 ---- Villeray, Montréal, QC