Hi David,
What is your goal, ie what would you like to DO, exactly?
The reason I ask is PD and Max, technically, are programming languages (sort of *furrows brow*). Your mention of Pro Tools and Final Cut and such makes me think that you may be on the wrong track with something like PD/Max.
I don't know though, so I asked what exactly you'll be wanting to do :)
-- Aaron
----- Original Message ----- From: "marius schebella" marius.schebella@gmail.com To: "David Schaffer" schafferdavid@hotmail.com Cc: "pd list" pd-list@iem.at Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2007 10:59 PM Subject: Re: [PD] a general discussion about which software to learn: pd, max, both... or else?
Hi David, It depends very much on what you want to do with the program and what the people around you know and use. My first reflex was to write max is the better solution because it hase more users and better support. but I think max is not so reliable and known to crash sometimes and a lot of people in theatre and stage situations don't want to use it. (well, pd can crash too). max has a nicer interface. if you want to look into the sourcecode then you have to use Pd. I think you should start with Pd, it is similar to max and if you ever think you miss something, then you can change to max later. I switched between both programs, but now I am back to Pd. m.
David Schaffer wrote:
Hi everybody,
I'm a stage/audiovisual technician willing to make a move into
digital arts. I've been using pd for quite some time know and I was wondering if it would be useful for me to learn Max: according to you guys, which of the two programs seems to be most widely used, most popular, most promising in terms of future devellopements? Is it worth to be good in both or to become "excellent" (whatever that means...) in one of them? Is there another platform out there that would be worth giving a look (outside of the established stuff like pro tools, final cut, photoshop etc...) Thank you for your answers.
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