There is an cross-correlation class [cc~] in the flib library, which you can use to do auto-correlation. It has both a time domain and a frequency domain CC function. I found the output of the time domain implementation to be easier to interpret.
I've forgotten all my DSP math, could you enlighten me as to how I might use this?
In short: cross-correlation or autocorrelation looks at how 'similar' signals are at various 'lags' (relative delays between signals). For example, in the case of cross-correlation, you have two different signals, and you compare how well they match up when there is no delay between signals. This gives you one number, for lag=zero. Then you shift one of the signals by a sample and do the same again (the comparison is just dot product of all samples in the two signal vectors), etc, so you have values for all lags. Then you will have a new vector with peaks where the two signals are similar. So this is often used for finding the delay between two similar signals. For autocorrelation, the same signal is used for the comparison, there is no second signal. Then clearly there will be a big peak at lag=zero because the signals are identical with no relative delay. The next biggest peak is often used for pitch detection because if the signal contains a large tonal component then at a lag equal to the wavelength of this frequency the signals will again look quite similar (positive values mostly line up, negative mostly line up, etc). This is all time domain stuff. As Jamie says, freq domain can be harder to interpret.
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