What device are you using for video input?
If its linux compatible you should try pure:dyne.
I've been using v4l pix_video input on linux for weeks on end...
Peter Forde wrote:
Hello Again,
I am running some live video from a security camera but my computer chugs a lot at full Res. VideoDS is the perfect solution except I am looking for a happy medium. Half is fast but too grainy and full is fine but too slow. Is there a way to set a happy medium say 3/4 or test out any other variables ?
Also because I am using low light with Black & White video I need to bump the contrast so pix_movement can better read the changes. I am aware pix_movement has a threshold but this is a variable I would like to play with after.
Thanks for all the support. I'm not sure if the eticate is to thank or not after getting a reply. I am very grateful.
Peter Forde
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