Against all odds, GEM 0.84 for Win32 is out. You can get it at the usual place:
A lot of bug fixes, new example patches, new objects, etc. The release notes are at the end of the email.
Please let me know if there are any bugs or issues.
Later, Mark
============================ = = Lead Programmer PS2 = ============================
---------------------------- 0.84 ----------------------------- I long time ago, I changed the behavior for gemhead, so that matrices where automatically restored, etc. However, this broke the camera object. Use the view message to gemwin instead.
Fixed a bug in GemMan. If you didn't use "border 0" and you requested a window size with "dimen # #", then the window size was likely to be wrong. This is now fixed.
Fixed a bug in the view message to gemwin. There was an offset which should not have occured. You might need to change your view messages to account for it. Just subtract 4 from any Z values.
There are some examples for pix_snap in examples/gemAdvanced/gemPixSnap.pd - Single buffered example examples/gemAdvanced/gemPixSnap2.pd - Double buffered example Keep in mind that pix_snap is a fairly slow operation...I also fixed a nasty memory bug which could easily cause crashes.
I added Miller Puckette's pix_video for linux into the code base.
If you load a movie in pix_movie with an open message, the object will output the number of frames to the right output. This will not work if you have a "pix_movie homer.avi" for your object since the output message cannot get processed correctly at startup.
The disk object has an inlet on the rightmost side for the inner radius...turning the disk into a ring. If the inner radius value is just 0., then the disk is just a circle.
Fog can be turned on in gemwin. Look at examples/gemAdvanced/gemFog.pd for examples. The various control messages are documented in the gemwin.pd help patch.
Added OpenGL material objects - ambient, ambientRGB, diffuse, diffuseRGB, emission, emissionRGB, shininess, specular, specularRGB They provide much greater control over the color of objects. Look at examples/gemLighting/gem5.materials.pd for examples.
Guenter found a bug in the ortho object. It is now fixed. The ortho object has the same general unit size as the normal perspective matrix. Look at examples/gemAdvanced/gemOrtho.pd for how to use the object.