Maybe you could copy the output of the terminal window, which should say which objects and abstractions aren't loading properly. Look for:
this_is_a_bad_object_name_etc_blah ... couldn't create
Then we can figure out if these externals can be built for OSX.
I haven't looked at Malte's patches in a while, but it could also be that he has some abstractions in a different folder than the patch is opening from, in which case you'll have to locate the abstraction and manually add the path to it.
dorkvac bazynchnai wrote:
same here, but I think it's because I don't have the right externals installed.
It would be nice if the patches included a comment about which external they depend on.
hard off wrote:
hey thanks everybody!
one question for malte. ...on my system.. os X ... a lot of the subpatches in your worskhop synths, drums etc,,, they don't open.
any idea why?