Sorry for taking so long to get to this.
Can you point me to instructions on how to use the pd-extended template? You mean this?: Libraries are the same thing as externals in pd-extended?
I assume the pd-extended makefile template also works in pd un-extended?
And, do you have instructions for how to build readanysf~ on windows? Do you also have DLL's to share? If so, we should put them up on my site and the puredata site.
hello August, IOhannes
why not using the same makefile for all platforms, by using pd-extended template, the actual makefile is only for osx and linux, and the doesn't work anymore with recent versions of gcc.
I have a working dll of readanysf~ made last year, so it's quite possible to have this working on windows as well.
Colet Patrice
----- Mail original -----
De: "IOhannes m zmoelnig" Ã: Envoyé: Jeudi 2 Août 2012 17:23:46 Objet: Re: [PD] Read streaming from Pd ?
On 2012-08-02 16:03, august wrote:
If it is working on someones'12.04 I'd gladly know!
If you happen to run Ubuntu 12.04 and want to test [readanysf~], I might be able to help out.
[readanysf~] compiles pretty well, if you have the good library and modify the make file following your instructions:
It's been a while since I pushed any code to the Puredata repository. Are we using SVN still or have we moved to GIT?
Let me know and I'll commit the above makefile changes.
the big bunch of externals is still in svn. only puredata itself and a few externals (e.g. Gem) have moved to git.
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