Hallo, Luke Iannini (pd) hat gesagt: // Luke Iannini (pd) wrote:
Here's another quick pair, again inspired by Python libraries (sorry, Python just seems to love lists as much as Pd .39+ and I do), this time the random module.
[list-sample n] grabs a random bunch of n unique items from the incoming list and outputs them as a new list.
list-shuffle is a shortcut to [list-sample]ing the same number of items as were in the list originally, which results in a shuffled list.
Careful here: [list length] behaves differently in 0.39 and 0.40+! Better use [list-len], which is the consistent. Similar caution is necessary when using [urn], which also has two incompatible implementations. You may want to use urne.pd from RTC-lib, but then RTC-lib already includes a kind of list-shuffle/list-sample called scramble.pd
[scramble] | [list split N]
looks as if it is the same as [list-sample N].
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__