Charles Baker writes: [snip]
under Linux - well, no full duplex: the app complains that it can't stat /dev/dsp1 (hey, it's there, looks correct!), the card (actually, /dev/sndstat) reports that it *should * use /dev/dsp1 for record in full-duplex, which it says it supports.
Most of the things are said by Larry. Full duplex is just not tested (not even truly implemented for Linux) .... a weekend job for a full-duplex card owner ?
and, more important , since ver. 0.21, i get an immediate core dump. sigh. compilation seemed simple enough. ( no errors.) I have no problem with 0.20, other than no fullduplex, and no fft object.. I did go load tcl7.6/tk4.2, since I've moved on to tcl/tk 8.0 ... 0.20 works well, as I said.
Hmm .. sounds strange. No messages at all ? I'm using Debian2.0 here, which is a libc6 based system too and had no problems of that kind.
any ideas?
not at the moment