Here's another approach using only list abs stuff (sorry for the messy -- I threw it together quickly). Could use as an abstraction with two inlets -- one on the right which receives a bang to initialize and one on the left that takes incoming numbers from the sensor, and one outlet (the outgoing numbers).
Hey Charlot,
Yes, that seems a good approach.
Will try in a few hours with a bit more time.
"You did not sew it solid enough it seems:)."
Definitely dropped a few stitches with this one:) I try to re-attach.
(btw - what is up with gmail and attachments atm?)
All good wishes,
On 27 March 2011 02:07, Charles Goyard wrote:
J bz wrote:
I have a sensor which is spitting out numbers between 1-180.
Each number triggers an event that I only want to happen once but the
repeats numbers every so often.
You can use a table of 180 elements, each of which is initialized with zeros. When a sensor number occurs, check against the table. If it's 0, turn it to 1 and go on. If it's 1, do nothing and wait for a fresh number from the sensor. Or, if you don't want to wait, scan the table for the first zero. What appends when there's no zeros left is up to you.
(patch attached)
You did not sew it solid enough it seems:).
-- Charlot