I just compiled the tar.gz of the devel_0_36 branch with gcc 3.2.2.
It didn't detect my recent (2 weeks) jack. I had to edit the makefile after the configure. It didn't compile untill I added some typecasting to s_linux.c, created obj en bin dirs, and added the includes to s_linux.c It didn't link untill I added �pkg-config --libs jack� to the appropiate place in the makefile instead of -ljack Does CVS check out work better?
Jack also seems a lot more "sensative" than plain alsa, so I will stick to alsa for performances for the time being.
regards Gerard
From: guenter geiger geiger@xdv.org
Actually the devel_0_36 branch does not need these "--enable-xxx" flags anymore, because jack and alsa get autodetected. (You should be able to see this in the output of ./configure)