Hi emanuel interesting issue! about 1/2 year ago i had some not really succesfull experimentation goin with the Pinnacle PCTV USB2 as it uses a bt878 chip and i could borrow it from a friend. the driver was initialized but i only got a black screen (using camstream) - due to my research the driver was broken & win usb - only b&w picture all this on a ubuntu feisty machine remembering the win usb worked 3-4 jears ago on a debian desktop. i've a pci card with Brooktree (Bt878) chipsets running (also connexant chipsets should work) they're cheap ~80$ but i gues you're looking for a usb version?! greets olsen
On 9/5/07, |||__||| media.gambler@gmail.com wrote:
i'm trying to find a usb capture card to capture analog signal from a IR camera in order to provide a signal for a video tracking patch. the card shoudn't cost more than 300€.
i have a intel mac mini for the installation and because pdp more or less requires linux, i'm looking for a usb capture card that supports linux & osx drivers. because of my research untli now i think it's quite unlikely to find somthing like that outside there, so i was hoping
- could anybody tell me some of his experience with usb video capture
cards for video tracking?
- did anyone run the pinacle studio movie box on pd/linux?
- does anyone know of a capture card that supports win/linux/osx
i found some threads about capture cards in the archive but none of them had a hardware advice in this price range.
thank you for your help in advance,
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