-----Original Message----- From: 59.xbWR>X_wiT.461.75 [mailto:opt@web.fm] Subject: RE: gem again
<snip> > when you change for example > GLfloat GemMan::m_mat_shininess; > into GLfloat GemMan::m_mat_shininess[somenumber]; > to be an array as in the lines above, no error occurs on loading ..
That is very strange...definetely something with the compiler.
<snip> > (ok, maybe thats obvious to some of you, i m just playing t+e ;) > it doesnt change any if you make them public thou .. > variable initialization kaputt?
public versus private doesn't have any impact at link time...it is only for the compiler.
for linux (gem/src/Gnu) another thing i notice now, is that the make doesnt really wanna work. when you change gem's source files and just do a make again, it doesnt relink the Gem.pd_xxx binary.?
also, to get X found, i need to ./configure --x-libraries=/usr/X11R6/lib --x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include whihc are in fact fairly obvious places?
I suspect that you are using Guenter's makefile system, so you will have to ask him. My original makefile works once you run "make depend" to create the dependencies for all of the source files.
Later, Mark
============================ = mdanks@stormfront.com = http://www.danks.org/mark ============================