hello pd'people!
i am trying to install Pd.extened-41.4 on a debian64 sid (unstable) kernel 2.6.30- i have been looking around and the option of installing 32bit with ia32lbs an ---force-architecture gave me libsasound2 problems.. so i found a tutorial that explain how two build from source for 64bits.. i have managed to compile the extended libraries.. and run make install && make packages... here everything gives the ok.. and then after compiling for a while it gives me an error saying that i have a problem with DEBIAN/control file on line 9.. in "depends" field, that i its missing a packages name or that garbage has been found.. when checking this file.. in the place of dependes it says: xterm, ttf-bitsream-vera
i dont really understand what the problem is.. can somebody helpme