-----Original Message----- On Behalf Of Bryan Jurish
run pd with the "-rt" switch (which required getting realtime capabilities patches working: urgh) when using ALSA directly, otherwise I get audio pops and eventual "tried but could not sync" errors. fyi, I run pd here with:
moocow@binky:~$ cat
which pd-ua25.sh
#!/bin/sh ( pd -rt -r 48000 -alsa -channels 2 -audiodev 6 "$@" & ) ( sleep 5 ; aconnect-usb2pd.perl; jack-chrt.sh )
I don't quite follow: are you using JACK or the ALSA connection from pd? Or you mean jack-chrt is badly named because it's not actually doing anythign wth JACK?
I was about to get a UA 25 so am quite interested in how this works. With the builtin (intel HDA) I get pops when using JACK but not when I use the ALSA output . I did not get the pops with a different application, when using JACK, but just when using PD and JACK .. Though I've not exhaustively tested all applciations yet. But, I really want to get the sound stream from PD into another application and via JACK seems like the simplest way.