a few of patches of mine that describe the behaviour of vanilla and some extended filters
2015-01-29 23:39 GMT-02:00 Alexandre Torres Porres porres@gmail.com:
it's how the filters were designed, they're not perfect throughout the spectrum
you'll need to use/build other filters for that purpose of working with that higher portion of the spectrum (in which I can hardly still hear, by the way)/
2015-01-29 20:28 GMT-02:00 Gilberto Agostinho < gilbertohasnofb@googlemail.com>:
Hello all,
An user reported a bug in the forum about some problematic behaviours of certain filters in pd-extended 0.43.4, particularly [hip~] and [bp~]. I found this bug to be also present in pd vanilla 0.46.5. Basically, these filters do not respond to frequencies higher than approximately 12 kHz, in contrast to [vcf~] which responds to any frequency. This can be very clearly observed in the case of [bp~] using a narrow band frequency sweep.
Here is a video showing the problem: http://youtu.be/A7mPhiHcmhc Here is the topic in our forum where this discussion started: http://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/8967/highpass-hip-not- working-as-expected/18 Here is that user's bug report concerning pd-extended: https://sourceforge.net/p/pure-data/bugs/1187/ Finally, here is the patch I am using to test this (I am using [spectrogram~] (which in its turn needs [metrum] and [multiplex~], all of which are included in this compacted file): https://www.dropbox.com/s/ fcwciwe8klwh5xz/filter-test.zip?dl=0
NOTE: the user that reported the bug argues that pd vanilla 0.45.4 does not produce any problems, but I firmly believe this to be a mistake of him. I tested these filters in both 0.45.4 and 0.46.5 and both produce the same behaviour. I tried to contact him to ask for further tests (he was not using my patch above for his own tests), but so far I got no reply. Also, other users confirmed this bug to be present in both vanilla and extended.
Please let me know if I can be of any help with this.
Best, Gilberto Agostinho
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