glerm soares wrote:
I know this maybe too hardware concern issue,
but since I am testing the new firmata with the [arduino] object, and maybe this could interest other users, I think this could be a topic of interest.
My doubt is: how to get a *totally* not flickering analog input with more than 64 steps?
I always had the flickering problem even putting other pins to the ground...
generally I do
[inlet] | [/8] | [int] | [change] | [outlet]
I use 10k potentiometers, without resistors in the input...
Does anyone get this input without any flickering? what's the secret?
How much flickering are you talking about? You will always have settings with the least significant bit toggling no matter what your resolution. Short wires and good ground help, as well as clean connections. I found that a 0.1uF capacitor on the analog input can damp high frequency noise on the wire. Also 10k is at the upper limit for an analog input. Try 1k: a lower source impedance is quieter.