I finally got off my duff and put together this library I've been
thinking about for years. After making my own nqpoly5, nqpoly6,
nqpoly7, runmany, voicepoly, etc. I've tried to bundle all these
techniques into a common library. Since this library is all about
managing many instances of a Pd patch, I'm calling it 'many'.
Objects in the 'many' lib are based on code from Steven Pickles' (aka
pix) nqpoly4 and Frank Barknecht's polypoly. Thanks to pix's nqpoly4
because that was the real groundbreaking work that proved that a
useful and reliable instance-managing object could be programmed in
Pd. Frank then did the work to make it maintainable and hackable.
Computer science is no more related to the computer than astronomy is
related to the telescope. -Edsger Dykstra
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