hard off wrote:
sorry, i have a few questions today, i know it's bad from to ask them all in one thread, but i don't want to start too many threads.
question 1) how do you multiply a signal by a power of n ? can you do it with expr~?
do you mean take a signal to the nth power?
to square a signal (ie signal^2) do this:
to cube the signal, take the output of the [*~] above and pass it through another [*~] which takes the original signal [osc~] as its other input.
question 2) is there a list of the functions that i can use with expr~ (and expr) ? i have seen many of these functions in other peoples patches, but can't find them in pd's documentation.
i'd be interested in this myself..
question 3) i want to insert a percentage of random noise into a signal. ie, for every oscillation of an [osc~] i want 25% of the samples to be converted into noise. the level and position of the noise should be random, but 25% of the samples in each oscillation must be be converted into noise. any idea how to do that?
i'm not sure i understand what you mean by 25%. do you mean you want to mix an osc~ signal and a noise signal with the noise being 25% of the amplitude of the osc~ signal? or do you want to have an osc~ signal interspersed with noise such that the noise occurs 25% of the time and the osc~ the other 75%?