The version of [grid] in unauthorized in pure-data SVN and included in Pd-extended works on Windows. If there is a bug in it, please file a bug report.
On Mar 2, 2012, at 8:03 AM, wrote:
what is the question?
i _never_ work on windows and i'm not going to the mac donald's, no thank you.
saludos, sevy
Richard Graham wrote:
Hi Sevy,
I have a few people testing my system on windows, and of course this includes the new compile for Grid (0.9). is it possible to receive a compile for Windows also?
You can see the finished system here:
Thanks again for all your help,
On 20 Jul 2011, at 11:04, wrote:
yes, works perfectly now. thank you and best wishes!
On 20 Jul 2011, at 07:19, wrote:
update your copy, it should work now..
but don't forget that if you want to work between [-1.1] the steps for x and y has to be set to a value like 0.01 ( precision of pd ).
saludos, sevy
Richard Graham wrote:
Hi Sevy,
Attached is the compiled version of [grid] 0.9 for Mac OSX. Unfortunately, the bug is still a problem here. When moving the point about in the grid manually, the output grid co-ordinates are correct but if I send [values 0, 0( it outputs 1,1 like before (on a grid -1 to 1 on both axis). Any ideas why this might be?
Thanks in advance,
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