Come to the AVLAB opening this wednesday at 6pm, plus other activities driven by Pd:
<Interactive Art Exhibition>
AVLAB 1.0 - A/V experimentation
*Project showcase: October** 1 -26 (opening: October 1, 6pm)*
The public presentation of the nine developed projects will take place on Wednesday October 1 at 6pm. Projects such as /Pulverización' 3.0/, a "bacterium" that processes and recycles electronic elements; /Waves to Waves to Waves/, the visuals and sound of the electric waves of our antennas, or a live cinema edition tactile device (/Sprocket/) will be displayed. Two of the installations, /Bri 2.0/, by Marcel Bilurbina and Raúl Díaz, and /W_space,/ by Tom Tatlim,will shown at EXPerimentaclub festival's Sound Projects Showcase, from October 2 through 5 at La Casa Encendida in Madrid.
*October 1 / **6pm to 8**:30pm Projects presentation and opening of the exhibition
**October 1 **/ 11pm / @ Tempo Club TRANS-AVLAB EXPRESS *AVLAB 1.0's last sonic stop. Live sound, experimental and audiovisual performances by artists of the workshop: Olaconmuchospeces aka Diego Javier Alberti / Sotaques (VJ Xorume + DJ/MC Gérson De Veras) / Servando Barreiro / Noish ~ aka Oskar / James Webb / Groundrush aka Simon Dell / Hans Christoph Steiner / Raúl Bri Díaz Pobrete / Tom Tlalim / Josecarlos Flores / Lena Schniewind / Jaime Lobato / Alberto Cerro / Roberto Moreno Maya / DJ Hidráulico. @ Tempo Club (Duque de Osuna, 8. Plaza de España Metro Station). Free admission.*
**October 2 through 5 **/ 7pm-10pm / @ La Casa Encendida BRI 2.0 + W_SPACE... @ EXPERIMENTACLUB *Two projects, */Bri 2.0/*, by Marcel Bilurbina and Raúl Díaz, and /*W_space*,/ by Tom Tlalim and Paola Tognazzi, will integrate the* Sound Projects Showcase* of EXPerimentaclub festival, an event that will take place at La Casa Encendida of Madrid from October 2 through 5 *@* *Espacio D of La Casa Encendia of Madrid*.
In collaboration with the Centro para la Difusión de la Música Contemporánea, Experimentaclub08 , and LIMb0.
_[AVLAB 1.0 in pdf -Spanish-]
<Open Call> International Project Development Workshop-Seminar
*November 3 - 18, 2008* *Projects and Papers submission deadline: October 5, 2008 Call for Collaborators: October 15-31, 2008
Open and participatory workshop-seminar around the theory, tools and visualization strategies in a urban context. Directed by José Luis de Vicente.
Call for Projects: Call for Papers:
In collaboration with FECYT
<Interactive Installation at the Plaza de las Letras>
*Every night **/ 9pm - 2am* overlaps the net and the street, acting like a open space for public expression in the city through
Drawings sent by users are projected in a public way and share by the users in the actual space of the Plaza de las Letras. [+info]
*More information: *Download here the full activities program
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In compliance with Spanish Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), which came into force on 12 October 2002, and Spanish Organic Law 15/1999 of 12/12/99 on Personal Data Protection, we inform you that your e-mail address is registered in our database for the purpose of sending you information from MEDIALAB-PRADO. In compliance with the aforementioned legislation, you may exercise your right to access, rectify, oppose and cancel your data. If you no longer wish to receive information from MEDIALAB-PRADO, respond to this email with the subject: "UNSUSCRIBE".
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