On Fri, 13 Oct 2000, Philippe Caya wrote:
Is it possible to save pd subwindows as separate files and use them in other patches or create multiple instances of the same subwindows in the same patch?
i don't think so... sub-patches (craeted via "pd sub-patch" or "page sub-patch") are merely for reasons of creating viewable master-patches and therefore sub-patches only
Does the pd command have disk access capabilities?
yes me thinketh "pd menu-save pd_mypatch" or something like this
Is it possible to create a patch with inlets and outlets an use it in another pacth?
yep ! this is what you want to do instead of creating mutliple sub-patches. create your patch using inlets outlets and whatever and save it (for example) as "mypatch.pd". if you create a new patch and therein create an object "mypatch" this will load you patch as if it was a build-in object / as if it was a sub-patch; by let-clicking you can open it an edit...). pd will first look into it's built-in object list if there exists an object "mypatch", then into all previously loaded externals (order depending on creation-order), and finally will have a look into the search-paths (working-directory and paths defined with the -path option), first looking for an external called "mypatch" and then for an abstraction called "mypatch.pd". if all of the above fails, the object will not be created. if you are lucky, your subpatch will be loaded. you might be not so lucky using abstraction names like "pack", "lop~" and "inlet"
mfg.asf.dars iohannes