Hi Marco,
i tested a couple of years ago with a MacPro 2013 and a blackmagic card connected through thunderbolt. The minimum latency was ~200ms and was about the same with quicktime and Pd/Gem (i used the quicktime plugin anyway). If your SDI out is not visible as a monitor output you would need an extra tool to send it there, maybe something exists with syphon? If you need to work with OpenGL maybe shaders could help you (check [glsl_program]). all the best,
Am 17.04.2020 um 02:34 schrieb Marco Schretter mco@zimt.at:
dear all,
unfortunately i'm forced to work with a mediaserver that is not capable to do a live-cam freeze. now i'm trying to solve this by building a osc-controlled blackbox with GEM (pix_buffer[read/write]).
test-setup: decklink quad 2-8 capturecard https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/de/products/decklink/techspecs/W-DLK-30 in sonnet frame macbookpro (2013)
this testpatch works ok, but with 500-1000ms latency ... https://zimt.at/cam_freeze_v01.jpeg
how can i push the latency and make it more "real-time" (whether with pix_buffer or several pix_buffers or other objects)
do you have experience how to push the GEM output to the decklink sdi-out? i guess the rendering is done on the graphics card and not on the decklink (?not openGL capable?) so mabe this is useless? so is the macbookpro graphic card the bottleneck?
merci marco
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