On Sam, 2017-10-28 at 10:48 +0200, cyrille henry wrote:
Le 28/10/2017 à 02:08, Alexandre Torres Porres a écrit :
2017-10-27 19:12 GMT-02:00 cyrille henry <ch@chnry.net mailto:ch@c hnry.net>:
depending on the input you can also LP filter the signal before the distortion.
oversampling and filtering is the worst way to deal with aliasing, but sometimes there is no other solution.
recently I found out the results were kinda terrible and there wasn't much I could do about it, oversampling it to an insane amount like 512x didn't improve significantly at all...
so I was wondering: - 1) why?
if you start with a 1KHz sinuzoid, and add 10 harmonics, the last harmonics frequency is 1K * 2^10, so about 1MHz
Hm... the tenth harmonic of the fundamental frequency 1kHz is actually 11kHz, not 1MHz, or am I missing something here? 2kHz is the first partial, 3kHz the second, etc.