PSPunch wrote:
[phasor~] takes a range of 0 to 1. To fully drive your speakers, you may want to insert a [-~ 0.5] after [phasor~] so that you get a range of -0.5 to 0.5, centered at zero. You can then multiply the amplitude by 2 (instead of 1 which you currently have your slider range set to)
oh, right! after some time not playing with pd I forgot about this and thought a phasor as a nornmal oscillator (in the range -1...1)
By multiplying the source with a hanning window, you are actually applying a kind of an amplitude modulation. Artifacts caused by this procedure may become a little more apparent when you use live sounds for input.
uhm... actually, *not* using the hanning window, makes the processed sound suck even more. so what's the best solution?
there is a better window function? perhaps the gaussian function? isn't the window function also related on how much samples overlap between a block and the next one? shouldn't fft~ be aware of this?