"list camilocadavid/Secuencias/Bajo_fiesta1 80.aif" | [l2s] | "read -resize $1 Bajo"
but really your life will be much easier when you rename your files so
that they do not have spaces in the filenames.
If your objective is just to load the AIFF, why not use
"bang" | [openpanel] | "read -resize $1 Bajo"
Best, Derek
On 5/31/10 3:00 AM, Camilo Cadavid Corredor wrote:
[rc-filename] doesnt exist in my Pd. it is the extended 0.41.4 version. Is this an object? I still havent been able to upload an .aif file... I also tried the sugested: "list camilocadavid/Secuencias/Bajo_fiesta1 80.aif Bajo" | [l2s] | "read -resize $1" well, after I created the 100 size Bajo named array, these comands
didnt fit the file into the array. My main objective is to simply load an .aif to play with it. I appreciate your help.