We are in Dakar, Sénégal, for the second PD/XXXduino workshop in west Africa where we prototype a suitcase for the pedagogy of interactive art.(( (draft, english soon)))
We try to find a solution to control the stepper motor and dc motor with PD standard firmata 2.1 with the adafruitmotorshield. Servomotors are easy to pilot from PD, but steppers and DC motor are piloted by a chip. The docs says (
"The DC/Stepper motors are NOT connected to the Arduino directly. They are connected to the 74HC595 latch which is spoken to by the Arduino. You CANNOT talk directly to the motors, you MUST use the motor shield library"
Does anyone in the list has found a hack to talk to this chip from PD to pilot the steppers and DC motors ? Thanks JNM, Jérôme Abel, and 17 Senegalese and Malian students