thanks, I deleted lots of mailing list e-mails a couple of days ago and I honestly didnt try searching the forum after seeing how difficult it was to search for ead in google...
i'm sure i'll get it up and running, but the version at netpd/creb.dll the only objects that didnt seem to work were the ead~ family...
derek holzer wrote:
[ead~] is part of Tom Schouten's Creb library. And it's not installed properly on my version of PD-extended on OSX, although Hans may have put it in a later one. I recall some problems building the creb lib from CVS, but it's too hot out to figure that out right now. You could also try building it from here:
as padawan12 suggested in a suspiciously similar-titled thread on this list not too long ago (less than one month to be exact).
Happy hunting!
hard off wrote:
maybe say which os you're on. i used to have a working version on osx, which i deleted when i refreshed my hard disk, but the only way i could get it going again was to install the new pd-extended.