Hallo, chun lee hat gesagt: // chun lee wrote:
Thanks for your reply, one question, where (which directory) should the symbolic links be done?
Also, I am also trying to compile pd from the source code (I thought this might be a better and quicker option) but not having much luck. During the make install, I got
Make[1]:***[externs] Error 2 Make[2]:***[vexp_if.pd_linux_o] Error 1
What are these? Also, the first make install I did took a few minutes and got lots of stuff in the terminal and had similar error at the end. And I tried make install again, the process a much shorter. Does this mean pd is half compiled and stored somewhere?
Probably Pd is completely compiled. The error you get come from a longstanding bug in the vexp external. I posted a patch about two weeks ago that fixes this. You could also just remove "-Werror" from the expr Makefile.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__