I think the question is, why have that book keeping available for vline~? Are there any practical uses for it?
Otherwise, I don't see why it wouldn't be better to just accept a list like [0, 1 1000, 0.5 1000, 0 2000( where it starts at 0, goes to 1 in 1000 seconds, then goes to .5 in 1000 seconds, then goes to 0 in 2000 seconds. Why even have the extra digit?
I am curious for the answer, so I CC'ed some gurus.
On Jan 26, 2008 12:10 PM, hard off hard.off@gmail.com wrote:
[0, 1 1000, 0 500 2000, 70000000 6 59000( | [vline~]
start at zero,
ramp to 1 over a 1000ms period,
ramp down to zero in 500ms, 2000ms after initial bang,
ramp up to 70000000 in 6ms, 59000ms after inital bang
nothing gets 'cut off'..the 3rd digit just schedules a delay from initial bang.