Hallo, Micha Thies hat gesagt: // Micha Thies wrote:
ok, sorry. i forgot to mention that the outgoing ramp should be a signal to. no conversion to the schedule in between, as i am used to do everything at signal rate for tightness and as a time wasting hobby.
You can get sub-sample tight timing in Pd by using [vline~]. I'm a bit short on time ATM, but attached is an example (I can explain it to you Friday. ;)
vgrain~-help.pd is the patch to open, then open a soundfile with [op] in sf-gui, switch on the metro and play with all the number boxes. You can ignore errors for Memento-objects and Scope~, the core functionality is implemented in pure core Pd.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__