sorry, I didn't realise that your were using the gem.ddl I compile. it's not an official realease of gem. It was just disign for testing curve3d. I've got the same problem on my computer : pix_film does not work. This may comes from my compilation...
the good news is that curve3d was add to the CVS, so it will be include in next official gem releases...
0.888 will be out soon I hope, this may fix the problem.
cheers, Cyrille
--//-- wrote:
sorry for spaminge a second time but i really love the features of curve3d but can`t continue building abstractions without having the possiblity of playing video files.
here is the link to the distribution: http://drpichon.free.fr/pure-data/GEM/
d really be very happy if somebody could have a short look to the sources because i
m really a little stuck.regards wolfgang