I think you should have edited canvas_connect() in the same way, because otherwise one loses color after pasting/duplicating (use `obj_sigoutletindex(objsrc, outno)' in the condition).
Oops. I knew there was something else I needed to check. I remembered save/load, but forgot cut/paste. Thanks.
Could you also evaluate my fix needed if `duplicate connections' are to be banned? It is in my post from 04/22/02. Since the two are related, maybe it would be better to submit them to Miller in one batch (or maybe not -- you be the judge).
I just looked over your patch and at first glance it seems in order. I think this is probably a good thing, although, if PD had segmented patch cords I could see an argument for multiple connections as a feature.
As far as this color patch goes, I think the right way to do it would be to have the style strings (color, width, etc.) for signal and control patch cords defined somewhere so later they could be user defined at run-time, or at least so there would be only one place in the code to change them. For the quick hack patch I submitted, I wanted to change as few files as possible. I'm not sure I'm the person who should decide where these things should really go :).
| | Joseph A. Sarlo | | jsarlo@mambo.peabody.jhu.edu |______________________________