Hi Derek,Have a look at the inlet_new code in m_obj.c. But after skimming it I don't see any sensible way to achieve what you want. I'd suggest just using the left-most inlet with a sensible method name. "Scope~" already has a capital "S" in the name for no _good_ reason, so it's not like the method space is the only discrepancy.
On Monday, March 28, 2016 3:06 PM, IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig@iem.at> wrote:
On 03/28/2016 01:27 AM, Derek Kwan wrote:
Are you really sure you want that? These days most Pd-users expect an implicit float-to-signal conversion. This might lead to unexpected (though well-defined) behaviour of your objects. My advice is to not try hard to break the expectancy of your users.
In normal circumstances, I'd be in 100% agreement with you, the user experience should be consistent throughout the entirety of PD. But in this situation I'm doing work for cyclone, [...]
yes, sorry.
i only realized that this was about a max/msp compat object after i sent the email (and being virtually offline with only a mobile phone to type emails, i decided to not amend my post)
mfdsar IOhannes
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