On Mon, Aug 22, 2005 at 07:45:19AM +0900, hard off wrote:
sorry, maybe that was a bit harsh...i was just responding to the fact that the patch is called 'fuckrecycle' , but in reality, recycle can find individual beats and hits from any sound source. i've not yet seen a good pd patch with this type of beat detection.
its pretty simple, feed bonk~'s output into the storage object of your choice. check miniChopd.pd in http://whats-your.name/pd/patches.tbz2
ix-pd has a 'marker object' with snappable slice boundaries, afaik ableton-live is still stuck to even divisions for quantization, but then i havent tried 5.0...
now to peep the archives to find the original message of this thread.///
that's all
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