Hi André, cool project!
I've been interested in the use of PD interface as visuals as well, and created couple patches but with no success. Do you use the fullscreen plugin?
You say you've seen some other experiences with this idea, can you maybe share some other examples? Thank you!
On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 3:54 AM, André Bandeira teoria.musical@hotmail.comwrote:
I currently developing a performance which uses the PD interface to generate the visuals. I already saw some experiences with this kind of idea, but never something very "mature", are there other people working with this?
So I would like to share the videos of the performance:
And a short description of what I thought and have done:
english- em_bruto is an audio-visual performance that was born with the objective of exploring the interface of the software Pure Data (PD) as a medium of visual composition. Imagining that in this manner it would be possible promote an aestheticization of the "raw" interface of the sofware in an interesting way, as an allusion to the aesthetics of live coding, and so it would be feasible to add new values and meanings to abstract shapes like squares, circles and crosses.Therefore, the visual elements used to compose this work are objects that are part of the visual programming language of PD such as: objects, number boxes and mainly GUI elements (toggles, bangs, radios and canvasses). These elements are manipulated with a piece of music played live, which refers to some sounds of old synthesizers, computer glitches and unsuccessful mash-ups .This mixture ends up generating a performance that is accessible both to a specialized audience and for a general audience.
portuguese- em_bruto é uma performance audio-visual que nasceu com o objetivo explorar a interface do software Pure Data (PD) como meio de composição visual. Imaginando-se que desta maneira seria possível promover uma estetização da interface “bruta” do sofware de uma forma interessante, como uma alusão à estética do live coding, e que assim também seria plausível agregar novos valores e significados à formas abstratas como quadrados, círculos e cruzes. Portanto os elementos utilizados para compor visualmente esta obra são objetos que fazem parte da linguagem de programação visual do PD como: objetos, caixas de número e principalmente os elementos GUI (toogles, bangs,radios e canvas). Estes elementos são manipulados junto a uma composição musical tocada ao vivo, que remete a alguns sons de sintetizadores antigos, glitches de computador e mash-ups mal sucedidos. Esta mistura acaba gerando uma performance que é acessível tanto para um público especializado quanto para um público geral.
best, André
André Damião www.vimeo.com/andredamiao www.soundcloud.com/dami-1 www.myspace.com/basavizi
Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2012 21:52:27 +0100 From: alan.brooker2010@gmail.com To: hans@at.or.at CC: Pd-list@iem.at Subject: Re: [PD] [import] and libraries Pd ext
Hi Hans
Sorry should have clarified- rather it is the dropping of start up prefs from Pd-extended as per below-- is there a page on the main website to refer to ?
On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 4:24 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner hans@at.or.at wrote:
I just changed up the new single preference page for Pd-extended 0.43, hopefully its for the better. First off, there is no more "Startup" prefs, which allowed you to globally load libraries. Now, use [import] in your patch to load libraries. The "Startup flags" and "Real-time scheduling" are now added to the new preference panel.
The OK and Apply buttons only apply the settings for the current session of Pd. In order to save them for the next time you start Pd, there is the "Save All Settings" button. But now that I look at that, the "Save All Settings" button might actually be redundant, and OK actually saves everything...
Setting global paths should no longer be used for externals, instead you should use the standard install locations for your OS: http://puredata.info/docs/faq/how-do-i-install-externals-and-help-files
Or you can set the path in your patch. Either use the new [path] object or [declare -path] to set a relative path in your patch.
On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 2:03 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner hans@at.or.atwrote:
Hey Alan,
I'm not sure I know the change that you are speaking of. [import] is the same since at least 0.41. And yes, if a library is either included in Pd-extended or in the standard install folder, then [import] is all that is needed to load the library.
On Apr 28, 2012, at 6:03 AM, Alan Brooker wrote:
Hi List,
Please excuse me but is there a page on the puredata.info that details the change to the new way of loading libraries via the [import] and [declare] objects? I have had small bits of feedback and new users believe their libraries are not loading when the use of [import] is all that is needed? I'm sure I saw something written up about this but cant find it to reference to others
Alan _______________________________________________ Pd-list@iem.at mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
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