Have you tried any of these:
On Aug 22, 2009, at 3:02 PM, Jarra wrote:
I installed Pd on Gentoo, and the GUI text looks good, but the console text and the text in the PD objects is rather large, popping out of
the object boxes. (as you can see here -> http://2009.jarra.nl/pd_20090822.png) Is there a way to change this?The Tk, Tcl and Pd version I have currently installed are these: gentoo:~$ eix dev-lang/tk [D] dev-lang/tk Available versions: 8.4.15-r1 8.4.18 8.4.18-r1 ~8.4.19-r1 ~8.5.7 {debug threads truetype} Installed versions: 8.5.7(10:54:03 08/22/09)(truetype -debug - threads) Homepage: http://www.tcl.tk/ Description: Tk Widget Set
gentoo:~$ eix dev-lang/tcl [D] dev-lang/tcl Available versions: 8.4.15 8.4.18 ~8.4.19 ~8.5.7 {debug threads} Installed versions: 8.5.7(10:52:33 08/22/09)(-debug -threads) Homepage: http://www.tcl.tk/ Description: Tool Command Language
gentoo:~$ eix pd-extended [I] media-sound/pd-extended [1] Available versions: (~)0.40-r1 (~)0.40-r2 (~)0.40-r3 {adaptive bassemu boids bsaylor creb cxc cyclone deprecated earplug ekext ext13 flashserver flatspace flib freeverb ggee hardware hcs iem_ambi iem_bin_ambi iemgui iemlib jack jasch_lib loaders mapping markex
maxlib mjlib moocow moonlib motex mrpeach msd oscx pan pdcontainer pddp pdogg pmpd sigpack smlib tof toxy unauthorized vbap windowing zexy} Installed versions: 0.40-r3(15:29:49 08/22/09)(adaptive bassemu boids bsaylor creb cxc cyclone earplug ekext ext13 flashserver
flatspace flib freeverb ggee hardware hcs iem_ambi iem_bin_ambi iemgui iemlib
jack jasch_lib loaders mapping markex maxlib mjlib moocow moonlib motex mrpeach msd pan pdcontainer pddp pdogg pmpd sigpack smlib tof toxy unauthorized vbap windowing -deprecated -oscx -zexy) Homepage: http://www.puredata.org/ Description: Realtime multimedia environment plus a collection of plugins[1] "pd-overlay" /usr/local/portage/layman/pd-overlay
Thanks for any help, Jarra
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