Patrice Colet wrote:
Patrice Colet a écrit :
Maciej Wojnicki a écrit :
hi list
is it possible to display text that has more than one line with
text2d or 3d objects in gem?? i hope i don`t have to use one text object for every line?thx.
Yes it's possible as in attached patch with the ascii code '10' and using 'string' message
In relation with that topic, anyone has ever made a kind of 'text to ascii decimal number' converter?
yes there are several available. just search the list archives.
apart from that: afaik, the [text*] objects are also able to handle several lines with ordinary lists. e.g. if you send it a symbol "line1\nline2" (with '\n' of course being the newline character 0x0a), this should display as: line1 line2
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