Am 26. November 2019 15:49:07 MEZ schrieb Roman Haefeli
On Tue, 2019-11-26 at 15:12 +0100, Csaba Láng wrote:
Dear list,
I want to open from a pd patch a pd patch withe the message:
[; pd open $1.pd /path-topatch;(
just to be clear, if I want to open cat.pd, a message [cat( will not make it happen.
Use [symbol cat(.
and if you have many, many files (msgboxes) you can convert (almost) any selector toa symbol with [symbol]:
jumping on this I must admit that I never understood when a selector such as "symbol" or "list" has to be provided explicitely, or to be trimmed off.
From I understand that
the message [1( has an implicit selector of "float" and is equivalent to [float 1(
Also the message [1 2 3( has an implicit selector of "list" and is equivalent to [list 1 2 3(
It seems the selector is always a symbol (one or many characters without whitespace nor semicolons nor commas).
It seems symbols themselves have no selector(?) as [foo( seems to be the selector "foo" itself and is not the same as [symbol foo( at least not when printing to the console window.
Now is this why [cat( in the original poster's question did not have a selector "symbol" and one had to be added eg. with [symbol]. Was this because it was used in another message box or in a $1 substitution?
A message [stop( to a [delay] object does not require "stop" to be prefixed by a "symbol" selector.
Why does this still seem a mixup of symbols with and symbols without a "symbol" selector to me? Can this be clarified somehow?
Thanks to everyone, P