On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 2:07 PM, IOhannes m zmölnig zmoelnig@iem.at wrote:
On 03/16/2015 06:46 PM, Charles Z Henry wrote:
So, what if I made an external (however dangerous to patch) that does trigger a float message during each perform routine? What good is it?
accidentally zexy's [pack~] triggers a message during each perform routine.
Ah! I was looking for this today and I gave up when I found the non-signal [pack] object in the vanilla code. I couldn't remember I had seen it in zexy.
this was totally by mistake (or rather: because i didn't understand the concept of having synchronous DSP-processing separated from asynchronous message processing when i wrote that code)
unfortunately some of my colleagues immediately started writing DSP-code (with some heavy DSP maths in message domain) relying on that behaviour, which makes it somewhat hard (employment wise :-)) to fix this behaviour.
gfmrdsa IOhannes
I think there's some value for both, but only if you know you can't mix the two without close inspection.
To workaround the worst part, you could lower the DEFDACBLOCKSIZE to 1, but there's still ordering issues on the messages.
Real-time dangerous, for sure, and limited usefulness. It still seems like a trick to remember.
You could add the code for an "apack~" or asynchronous pack object, and have both (not that I'm really trying to make more work for you)
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