Has anyone tried a VCS3 style crosspoint patch in Pd, but then replace the cross switches with quick crossfaders?
On Fri, 21 Oct 2011 08:55:22 +0200 Roman Haefeli reduzent@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Pat
It's logical problem. You cannot have the signal path having both possible orders at the same time. If you want to switch the order, you need to re-create the path. This could be done by dynamically disconnecting wires and re-creating them in the other order. However, this causes recompilation of the DSP graph. Certainly you cannot do it with [send~]/[receive~] pairs. There will alway one pair that introduces a block size delay.
They only idea I can come up with is not very scalable. You create both possible paths in parallel and switch~ them on and off as needed.
However, this only guarantees not to create any DSP hickups. Turning on and off instantaneously causes some effects to create glitches (non-continuous signal).
On Thu, 2011-10-20 at 21:44 -0400, patrick wrote:
hi everyone,
i would like to make a patch with multiple fx~ _but_ is it possible to chain the fx~ and change the order without a single glitch in the dsp. as an example:
[adc~] | [reverb~] | [distortion~] | [dac~]
now pressing a bang and automagically:
[adc~] | [distortion~] | [reverb~] | [dac~]
is it possible in pd? thanks, pat
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