Thanks a million Derek and Frank. Those suggestions and the basic- metering patch work beautifully. Regards, Peter
Peter O'Doherty
On 5 Aug 2008, at 19:41, Frank Barknecht wrote:
Hallo, Peter O'Doherty hat gesagt: // Peter O'Doherty wrote:
Thanks for your reply.
I was expecting [vu] simply to show some levels.
How would I slot [vu] into a very basis chain like the following which would allow me to keep an eye on levels, or am I missing the point of [vu]? (Perhaps these's a better way to do it.)
[number box] | [osc~] | [*~ 0] ----- [number box]
| [dac~]
For example as in the attachment.
Frank Barknecht _
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