On 03/26/2017 10:02 PM, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
cyclone 0.1-alpha55 was featured as the *latest* stable release, I wanted to remove that because that was not true and quite misleading,
it seems that there is a fundamental misunderstanding here.
there was no information stating that "0.1-alpha55 *is* the lastest stable release". the downloads section doesn't work like this. instead it is accumulative and inclusive. from a list of all stable releases, it will highlight the latest one.
so if you want to fix the "not true and quite misleading information" you should start by providing correct and unambiguous information, rather than trying to root out all the information that is not correct (from your point of view). be constructive, rather than destructive.
since yesterday, the /downloads/cyclone/ page has been owned by three people:
please: it is *your* responsibility to not fuck up the content of others. i understand that the website is showing its age, also from a UX point of view. but that is what we currently have. i think you should either accept the rigidness of /downloads/ and try to "go with the flow" of the page, or just plainly ignore it. (something i find quite similar to Pd, where you are basically lost as soon as you try to force your well known control-flow mechanics onto that odd data-flow paradigm).
anyhow, i think i've learned *my* lesson.
fmdsar IOhannes