A couple questions from a PD noob:
First, is there any keyboard shortcut to signal "I'm done editing text"? When entering text into an object, a message, etc, it seems that the only way to signal that you are finished is a mouse click outside of the item being edited. I'd like to press a key -- <ESC>, <TAB>, <ENTER>, whatever -- and have the focus leave the text box.
Second, is there any keyboard shortcut to "nudge" an element? It would be great to select an object (or a group of objects), then press <LEFT_ARROW> to move it one pixel, or <CONTROL/COMMAND><LEFT_ARROW> to move it 10 pixels (or N pixels).
If such things are not possible, I'm curious what other mechanisms people have come up with to streamline the editing process, because it feels like I'm having to touch the mouse waaaaaaay too often and it's slowing me down. It seems I'm not the only person to have made such observations:
One obvious shortcoming is that users are required to constantly switch
between keyboard and mouse to operate the program. This becomes especially
problematic in the context where patches are developed rapidly.
I'm using PD Vanilla, built from the latest sources. I'm an experienced open source developer, fluent in C and learning Tcl, so suggestings that involve hacking the source are welcome.
Marvin Humphrey