On Wed, 2022-04-27 at 11:27 -0300, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
I guess I can get the coefficients and derive an overall gain parameter. I got objects in ELSE that do that [coeff2pz]. But if it also depends on the frequency I should calculate this all of the time which doesn't seem reasonable. Maybe just keeping a safe 0.5 q is fine...
You know, using something like lop~ is pretty stable, I am now wondering if I should just use if for the sake of simplicity and efficiency as well. Do I really need a 6db decay per octave instead of 3db? What do you people think?
Isn't a low steepness in the filter in the feedback loop desired anyway? Me thinks a low steepness means the change in timbre happens more slowly which - I imagine - would sound nicer than a sudden 'tziewhh'.