Yves Degoyon wrote:
marius schebella wrote:
I think Pd community is not a closed circle, "users only", and there is also not a first level pd user and second level pd user.
?? out of context..
yves, these are three statements from your postings:
"what is that introduced arbitrary judgements here ? ( of non practitioners ? )"
"if anyones remember, reni was _not_ a curator at all, she was a pd praticioner, and yeh she dived into pd"
"and are you working with pd or dd ?"
I think you are drawing an arbitrary border between inside and outside, those people who are inside the community and those who are not. do you want to exclude everybody that has not used the program? how can you tell he/she does not? and is using dd bad? why? that's what I meant with second level pd user.
btw, who/what is khanawake?