On Jan 3, 2018 10:24 PM, "Derek Kwan" derek.x.kwan@gmail.com wrote:
"Christof Ressi" christof.ressi@gmx.at writes:
and usually involves sort of prefixing or suffixing for every abstraction/external.
I've also done this in the past. namespacing by prepending the folder name has one advantage, though: it provides you the possibility to choose between the long (safe) and short (unsafe) name. short names are convenient in rapid prototyping while long names are preferable if things ought to be robust.
but after all, it's a matter of taste I guess.
Interesting. I suppose this makes me think about more robust and defined examples of namespacing. Taking python for instance where you can import modules with shorter names with something like "import numpy as np" so you can just type "np.array" instead of "numpy.array" each time or you have the option to dump everything into the global namespace which is similar to the situation we have currently of just importing the path or compiled library wholesale through "from numpy import *".
I'd imagine that implementing a system like this in Pd would be very^999 far from trivial to implement, cause more confusion to the general end-user than it's worth it just because users like me don't want to type [cyclone/*] out every time (and there is already enough confusion about not being able to instantiate anything in Gem/zexy/cyclone/etc. even though they've already installed them onto their computers), and probably break everything which would be a huge no-no..................... but it is interesting to think about =P.
maybe I'm stretching the topic here, but, how about tab-completion?
-- Derek Kwan www.derekxkwan.com
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