Hi Nicolas,
There's a confusing problem in that all the "data" objects want for y to be 0 at the bottom and grow upward, whereas the canvas proper wants to grow downward. This creates real headaches whenever a window is resized vertically -- it's best after you do this to close and re-open it so that both the TK canvas and Pd believe things are in the same place. I'm planning to work on this for version 0.35. The "drawpolygon" problem is a manifestation of this (click in the data window and the stuff appears!)
There is some problem with stale pointers also, that makes Pd crash when closing windows with "data" in them. I think I have to make some fundamental changes anyway which will make that point moot (but if at all possible I'll make them compatibly...) In particular, I want to get the templates to be demand-loaded like abstractions, rather than have them be part of the patch; also I want to change teh way "graphs" are handled so I can use them to solve the coordinates problem. But I decided not to try this for version 0.34, and in retrospect I'm glad I didn't...
cheers Miller
On Wed, Sep 05, 2001 at 07:59:40AM +0200, Nicolas Lhommet wrote:
Hello, I noticed some problems with templates and related objects. Some examples in the stuff/data-structure didn't work correctly and crashed Pd when I closed them, so I upgraded to 0.34. Now these examples work well, but some patches, like the drawpolygon help-patch doesn't display anything in the "data" window and, when I close it, pd crash with a segfault. Another problem occurs when I move a polygon in edition mode. Sometimes, this polygon dissapears. When I select some empty regions of the window, I can find the blue square rounding the polygon when selected, but it's empty! If needed, I can give more details later. Is this a bug or is it me and my linux machine ?
Another thing, not a bug, but a feature: with the polygon objects, x=0 and y=0 position does not correspond to the upper-left corner of the window. I think that would be more convenient. But that's life !