You could also get a sound card with 6 analog inputs and connect each output of the microphone to an individual channel. This way you can do 6 at a time.
On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 9:51 PM, Aaron L. wrote:
I've been reading a bunch on the hardware behind this hexaphonic business.
Not sure I'm grokking every bit but not too worried yet.
I'm curious though, in order to get every string/input into pd (i.e. to interface with the program) and then use each string as some sort of control (via "playing" said string) would I be required to have 6 separate, physical inputs? So as to have any effect ready at any time?
I'd imagine that if I had some sort of "splitter" such as this:
.....I could accomplish the same thing but I'd need to manually switch to whatever string I was going to play for any given effect change, correct? Therefore, this method would pretty much be a "one effect at a time" type deal?
Hard to tell....
On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 9:52 PM, wrote:
You can simply:
[adc~ 1 Bob's guitar] | | [r speed] | | [delay] | [dac~]
[adc~ 2 2nd guitar] | [fiddle~] (or [env~]) | [s speed]
Using a hexaphonio pickup (6 individual pickups) -> [adc~ 1 2 3 4 5 6] == check the env~, fiddle~, bonk~ for each strings and control various params. No need to use MIDI.
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